Guest Posting: A Definitive Guide for 2020

Post by Nelson Morris | January 13, 2020

Wondering why you need guest posting, what it can offer you and your business in 2020 and how to write it? Here are the benefits to get you in line and a step-by-step guide to writing an awesome guest post.

  • Increase online visibility
  • Reach the target audience
  • Increased traffic to the site
  • Build brands reputation online
  • Gain access to inbound links
  • Gain grounds on social media: shares, social media
  • Lead generation

You must have heard of all these benefits and many more but still can’t wrap your hands around it. Here is a simple step-by-step guide to get you on track.

Before we proceed, what exactly does guest posting means?

Just as it sounds. It means posting on other website as a guest. Great engaging blogs or articles are written by you and it gets posted on someone else’s website.

Here is how it works

  • Create informative contents that authors will love not just for SEO
  • Ensure the content is in your niche or field
  • Submit to other website in your niche or industry
  • It is published
  • You earn great inbound links.
  • Traffic and increase in search engines follow freely and naturally.

What are the techniques for guest-posting?

Not just guest posting or guest- blogging (whatever name you want to call it, your content has to be featured on top sites without spending a penny. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Research guest post opportunities
  • Select your target sites
  • Establish connection with the site owner
  • Pitch your guest post
  • Write an amazing guest post and follow-up
  • What’s left?

1. Research guest post opportunities

The first thing to do is to look for sites for guest posting. The aim is to get ones relevant to your niche, active online or social media and have a high audience. Here are ways to search for good ones.

Google search using keywords:

A quick search on Google will cost you nothing to find sites that are known for guest postings. Here are some keywords phrases you can start with.

Your Keyword phrase +” guest post”

Your keyword phrase + “Write for us

Your keyword phrase + “Guest article”

Your Keyword phrase +“contributing writer”

Your keyword phrase +” Become a contributor”

Your keyword phrase + “guest article”

Your Keyword phrase +“submit content”

Your Keyword phrase+ “guest column”

Your Keyword phrase + “guest post opportunities”

Your Keyword phrase +“submit news”

Google creative guest posters or bloggers

Search for names of bloggers or renowned writers in your niche or industry. Google is a sure bet to give you their images and the names of sites they have posted on. A great insight into sites you can as well post to.

Use Twitter to search for guest posting sites

  • Simply go on the twitter search engine.
  • Type out the main keyword phrase+ “guest post” or any other strings written above.
  • Viola, lists of sites that guest post or offer guest posting service

Use competitor’s backlinks

Competitors’ backlinks is another way to jam amazing sites that might not even put out adverts that they accept guest post. Domain analysis of competitors’ backlinks will reveal sites they have posted their guest post.

Search list of sites for guest posting.

Some people have already gone through the hassle of searching for guest posting opportunities. A list such as ‘100 sites to submit guest post’, or ‘300+ guest posting sites’. This is another good way to get started.

2. Select your target sites

After all the searching has been done, it’s time to move to the next step which is selecting your target site and getting prepared for your guest post.

Narrow down the list

Now that you have got a handful of sites, it’s time to sift out the ones that are more valuable to you. Remember, the whole idea is to narrow the list down to the site that published high-quality content and in your niche. Besides, they have a good ground on social media and will help generate traffic.

Find topics to work on

  • Become familiar with the blog or site content.
  • Get to know about the guest posting they have published and the type of content they are into.
  • Their target audience
  • The categories, styles, and concepts of the post. Is it specific or general?
  • There might be gaps in their contents that will be an opportunity for you to fill up. Make a compilation of the topics you can write on.
  • Use the BuzzSumo site. They have hot, trending topics that you can also write on.

3. Establish connection with the site owner

Before you pitch, one important thing you will want to do is to establish a relationship with your target.

Here are ways you can curry favor with the site owners.

Leave meaningful relevant comments on their social media posts.

Share their posts on social media platform including Twitter and don’t forget to tag them.

Sign up to their newsletter and respond to their emails.

Send them an email if any of their posts or marketing emails provide you helpful information.

Here, you are already familiar with them and you are no more a stranger when you finally shoot your shot.

4. Pitch your guest post

Authoritative sites get tons of emails every day, you aren’t ready to add to their headache. However, there are good practices to follow to win you the jackpot.

Step 1- check out their writing guideline. This will provide you information on their do’s and don’t and who you can send your email directly to.

Step 2- as the saying goes, ‘name is the sweetest sound to anyone’s ear’. Therefore, mention the name of the person the mail is being addressed to.

Step 3- use professional subject line. Some successful bloggers claim to use the post title as their subject line.

Step 4- start the body with something interesting and unique about their site. This will tell them you are familiar with them.

Step 5- provide them at least 2 topics to choose from.

Step 6- sell yourself and project your value proposition. They will like to know how you can benefit their audience or readers.

Step 7- include your experience and published works. Add few links to your published works especially the ones with good social engagement.

Step 8- keep it short, sweet and straight to the point.

5. Write an amazing guest post

Finally, they have accepted your pitch. Good but it doesn’t end there. It’s time to send them a worthy, amazing content.


  • Stay within your niche
  • Do not focus on SEO and stuffing your content with keywords.
  • Write high-quality informational content that will benefit their readers.

Now you are set to write the killer content, here are the guidelines to follow to ensure the content is not sent into the trash bin.

Separate the top authoritative sites from the upcoming ones.

One reason is that the authoritative site deserve more time, research, and top-notch content that publishers cannot resist.

Besides, aim for at least 2500 to 3000 words for an authoritative site. While 800-1500 words should do for a guest blogging that is just coming up.

Choose informational topics.

Topics on tutorials on how to use a product, comprehensive case studies, ultimate guide are examples of good ones to start with.

Add images, screenshots, infographics, and charts

Contents that are simple and informative is what readers go for in 2020. Images, screenshots and all are great visuals that will make your articles more understandable.


Don’t just make assumptions or guesses. Back up any facts or statements you write with case studies.

Add links

Links are SEO best friend. Adding links will help with ranking. Include the internal links to relevant information on the website you are writing for or add relevant external links. Make it as natural as possible and do not overdo it.

The aim of adding a link is to provide more info on the topic that is being written. A golden rule is to read the guidelines and rules on adding links set out by the website before adding it. Moreover, add contextual backlinks to the body of your text.

Use Author Bio for lead generation

Sell yourself, add links, projects your value, make it short and simple, your bio doesn’t have to be boring. Here is how to write an astounding bio that can generate lead.

  • It should be short and written in third person
  • Point put your value on why people should visit your site.
  • Include a call to action like a link to your social media handles to get more followers.
  • Add links to your homepage, or landing pages

Use Comments to determine the rate of traffic

Sites that get more comments tend to produce more traffic as they have more readers. It doesn’t matter the size, big size does not necessarily mean more traffic

What’s left

Congratulations, you have finally get your post published. That’s not all. There are some other things to be done and that’s social engagement.

Respond to comments:

If people love your post and take time to leave comments. Reciprocate by taking time to respond to their comments.

Share on social media:

Share on major social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and even LinkedIn. Moreover, you can tell your friends and families to also share on their social media page. Don’t forget to tag the host website while at it.

Get started with researching sites offering guest blogging service in your niche, send your pitch and set out to write that awesome guest post. Cheers to more winning guest posting!



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